Monday, January 23, 2012

I have a slight new obsession ...

in the form of this  


and this

I have read constantly about Doctor Who on another blog I read constantly. Miss snark herself, the scrappy jedi.  My friend Desiree has been after for me for months to watch it. One day while trying to decide on something to watch on netflix I made a command decision and put it on. I was hooked. While the family has been home due to that lovely storm we have wizzed through the first 4 seasons ( we did start before this week tho) of the new Doctor Who. ( For those who don't know this british tv show has been on since around 69 and stopped filming for 10 years in  1995  and resurfaced in 2005. 2005- present is considered the new one.)  Watching season 3 Jack the leader of Torchwood was introduced into the Dr plot and we realized Torchwood was a spin off.  SO we watched 2 episodes and I had to tell Chris NO got to finish Doctor Who first.  I have to say if you are a geek gurl like me and if you have not watched these shows. Hop on Netflix don't walk and enjoy the Doctor! 



Denice said...

Eeeek! I just got Netflix a couple of weeks ago and watch all the Glee and Sons of Anarchy to watch ______?!
Like a need another diversion from cleaning?!!

Jana said...

I am a recent addict too. Changed my whole thought process when I hear someone say DOCTOR. LOL

Stormee said...

The Doctor is AMAZING!!!!
My favorite is the one played by David Tennant. I'm so proud of your conversion, lol. Silly girl, took you long enough.

Stormee said...

Oh, and you should really try Merlin next. It's awesome too!!!!

Melissa Stinson said...

Oh, I am so THRILLED that you're watching this now! I bet you're through with it already. Isn't it just amazing?!!?

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