Tuesday, October 26, 2010

♪♫ Tuneful Tuesday ♪♫

This Halloween song pick is number 2 on my list of favorites. My girls know the words and dance to this song and have for years. What they don't know is when I was 17 I started going to see The Rocky Horror Picture show EVERY weekend. I was considered part of the live cast because I was a regular ,up doing the time warp with the dancers. Yup ladies and gentlemen I have a wild side. I still know every prop and snappy comeback to this cult classic. I love Tim Curry. I can not wait until the girls are old enough for me to drag them to a live show on Halloween just once. Ok maybe not because I can not fathom either of my kids liking this as much as mom did. One can dream though......
I could not find the original clip to this song. So I went with the cast of Glee. I don't watch the show ,never have , but wow did this come the closest to what I wanted to share. Enjoy!



Denice said...

OMG, I LOVE Rocky Horror Picture Show AND Tim Curry...such a cult classic and soooo far ahead of it's time! Am I right Frankenfurter?

Wish I could see the clip, it's not showing up. :(

Denice said...

?? where-oh-where have you been ??

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