Sunday, May 30, 2010

52 Blessings - 21 & 22

I have not been keeping up with my Sunday blessings it's not that I forget, Sunday just gets crazy busy. So now its time to catch up.

My number 21 blessing is libraries. I love libraries. There is nothing like going to the library and finding a good book or getting an old one you want to re read. Right now I want to start reading the Star Wars books, but my husband has me reading the Skeleton Crew by Stephan King. He wanted me to read The Mist after seeing the movie. They differ greatly.
My number 22 blessing is Summer! Finally a reason for this heatwave. The pools are open and school is about to let out. We have no definate plans for the summer yet , but we can't wait to get it started. Thank you Lord for a much needed break in the year.



Bridgett Owens said...

I also love libraries! What a wonderful thing to be thankful for: FREE BOOKS!

Also I enjoy summer fun and having more time with Kadesia at home from school!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

I love your blessings posts!

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