Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mother' day improvement

I didn't really ask for anything for Mother's Day . Just that my husband paint my laundry room since we have had the paint for 3 week and nothing....LOL

Here's a refresher of what it looked like before...

 During of course ... my freakishly tall husband painting the 9 foot ceiling in a bright orange.Yes I said orange.  YaYa would be proud LOL.

And here is the after...
Now we aren't done. More white will be added in the form of cabinets and maybe a small corner shelf. Maybe a shelf across the back of the washer and dryer? Slow progress ,but it's supposed to take time is what I am told.  Anyway funky room color number 2 down! I guess I will go normal in the other rooms in my house, but i believe the laundry room should be a fun bright place to work...even if my husband calls it hulk anger inducing.



Denice said...

Orange is NOT an anger inducing color...it's soothing, almost in a Feng Shui type of calm! LOL, love it!

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL @ "hulk anger inducing"!!!! Keep going - you're having fun and that's the most important thing!

How are you feeling???

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