Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Moody Blues

Sorry folks I have had a sick kid and husband for 3 days now. My allergies are in gear big time so I have been stuck inside so I am feeling very vitamin D deficient . Funny how 20 min outside a day even in cold weather can lift the spirits. If it wasn't on the news that it would be best for allergy sufferers to just stay inside I would be on my balcony just taking in the sun. {GRUMBLE GRUMBLE} No, really I am not in a bad mood just a blah one. SO where did I leave off? Oh yes Michelle's album ...
One of our more creative stints where the girls made their own flip flops. See just the bright colors cheer me up! I can't wait till the wee one is feeling better and allergy stuff goes away...I may even go out an rake the yard!


Queenie Jeannie said...

So cute!

Sorry you've been in allergy hell. When (if?) spring ever reaches us here, I'll be right there with ya! Bella is still cough, cough, coughing over here and now I've got it. Just a super dry, ticklish cough. Very annoying!!

I've missed you!

Kathy W said...

sorry about being trapped inside- we are getting another big snowstorm here- so take your pick. ..
love the layout, can't wait for flip flop weather

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