I love all handmade stuff so one of my favorite things is my knitted coasters. They are staying on my table! I also have to say you can never go wrong with bath and body stuff with me!
You just have to giggle at the ice cream cone cup and ice cream scoop because I can alomist hear Bridgett to have a birthday sundae with purple M&M's she sent me.
They are not in the picture because I had a friend here when the packages arrived and I wanted them all for me so I put them up LOL! I didn't wanna share my pretties! And the package of jolly ranchers but my husband took those. Said to tell you Bridgett he accepts that as his birthday present!
Ohh and your purse is a big hit I had 3 people say if I didn't want it (ya right) they would be happy to take it off my hands!
Thanks Bridgett you are one of the best friends a girl can have. I truly would be lost without you.
Way to go Bridgett!!!! So nice to know SOMEONE didn't drop your birthday ball!! *sigh*
At least your packages have mailed, priority for whatever that's worth, and should be there soon. Hopefully American soon and not Italian "soon", lol!!
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
I am SO glad you like it and tell Chris that I am happy he found his birthday present! (wink)
I still owe cards to him and Kyla and haven't forgotten but you know what has been keeping me occupado! LOL
And I feel so special that your purple passion is about me! LOL Well, sorta! LOL
Big Belated Birthday Hugs,
Plethora of Purple - love it!
wow-look at all those purple goodies
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