Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Scripture Challenge week 38- Name

I was taught at a young age not to use the Lord's name in vain. Yet in today's world you see and hear it everywhere. We even have an internet version of it. OMG. Funny because I never read it that way I always read as OMGoodness. People don't seem to mind at all the days. Now trust me I have my moments. I have taken to saying God bless it though, but even then it is starting to rub me the wrong way.
The reason being is God's name is Holy. You don't like it when people slander or use your name in bad way. Or what if someone was bad mouthing your parents? We need to understand that what we do and what we say is a reflection of what the most high FATHER is teaching us and how we honor that.



Bridgett Owens said...
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Bridgett Owens said...

This is SO true! I am glad you are sharing this today!! It's so important to God it was given as one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. The scriptures are so great and I love the page design!

Queenie Jeannie said...

You are so right!!!! And I'm so bad about this too........

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