Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Scripture Challenge week 36- treasure

I have what seems to be only one scripture but it's 3 all tied together. This one was a punch to the gut so to speak.
A treasure is a valuable object that can be either physical or spiritual. When I stop and reflect on what Patter ,who does these studies, wrote from her bible study group it weighed on me like a ton of bricks.

"If the way we spend our time reveals what we consider our greatest treasure, how does the way I spend my time reveal my treasure?

OW! I personally know I don't spend nearly enough time with God and His word like I should. in fact if you weigh my time my treasure is my computer. I am putting my heart into a material object. Yikes! I think its time to re prioritize.



Anonymous said...

Very good question.

Kathy W said...

so true!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ouch!! Yep, it got me too!!

Jessica G. said...

Beautiful background DP showcasing verses we could all use some reminding of!

Bridgett Owens said...

This is so true! I heard someone once say, How would you feel if God gave you the same amount of time you gave Him! Big wake up call! Thanks for the reminder to spend more time with God!

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