Sunday, March 1, 2009


One thing marrying the military has taught me is to be independant. I love my husband with my whole heart I do. I love having him home. I love seeing his grumpy face as he takes his college courses. I depend on him without being overly dependant.

But understand this, his first duty station at the age of 25 newly married with an infant and four year old was a foreign country, Germany. His unit trained in the field 6 or more months out of the year, pre 9/11. He deployed from there to Iraq. I didn't live near family, I didn't get the pleasure of packing up to go home. The only breaks i got was when one of my friends would watch all the kids so the rest of us could catch a break. That wasn't often LOL.
We lived there for 7 years. I saw him less then half of that. We moved to the states and he was home more often ,being home on weekends and evenings if late sometimes, but it bothered me. I was so used to having him gone. I got used to him being home. He deploys again. We get used to him being gone...again.
We get a new duty station on his return. We move. He is home more then I have ever seen this man. Ok here it is a year later and still haven't quite adjusted to seeing him this much yet , but he left to go to school . What was the point to all this you ask?
Because as cruel as it seems to some people that I do this ,one of my fav things to do the first night he is gone anywhere is to stretch out in my cali king bed and to the tune of He's got the world in his hands. I sing I got the whole bed to myself. It makes the first night less lonely and more comfy. This is what I will be doing tonight. I love my independant dependance! Now in a few weeks come back and ask me if I am ready to have him home and I promise my answer will be a resounding YES!



Unknown said...

neither of my husbands were (or are)in the military but i always enjoyed it when my first husband wasn't around much. looking back, i should've realized that's what you call a clue :). i hope the time passes quickly for you and that he's home before you know it. happy monday!

Kathy W said...

tfs- I think we all like to have our independent time for our sanity. Most of us all appreciate the sacrifices that military families make.

Ed said...

Christina, I understand totally how you feel. My hubby worked nights for 14 years, and I too was used to the bed to myself and the days to myself, seeing him in the evenings for a couple of hours and in the mornings for around half hour get used to your own space - but it was lovely when weekends came round :-)

Anonymous said...

Military spouses must have to be very independent, I never thought of it that way. I don't know if I'd be strong enough, honestly.

AndreaLeigh said...

i love my husband but one of the best things about deployments is having our big bed to myself. shhh... don't tell. :)


Sounds totally normal to me. It's what you've gotten used to, so of course there is going to be another adjustment with such a big change.

{stopping by via SITS}

I am Harriet said...

Cute post.
Just stopping by via SITS.
Have a great day!

Bridgett Owens said...

Aww! Hope you enjoyed your bed all to yourself and that you got some rest! You feeling better? Take care!

in time out said...

wow. What a life. I have grandparents who grew up and raised kids this way. I have always admired their strength. Great post girl. Keep strong. Thanks for reading. I love your shamrock look. Funny about the Green Eggs and Ham, my oldest couldn't eat them this year...hmmmm.

in time out said...

okay...not sure that my comment took. I said. Great post, great strength you have. I admire it after experiencing my grandparents stories. Such diligence for and behalf of all of us.

Thanks for reading me. My oldest couldn't eat the Green Eggs and Ham this year. I guess they grow out of it. hmmmm.

Anna Banana said...

So sorry you can't be with your sweetee all the time!! I am so attached to mine I would be lost without him!! Don't get me wrong - we have two tv's one in the rec room (man den) and one in the living room (my domain) and we often do our separate thing, but I know he is just a holler away if I need or want him - I can be alone in the house up in my craft room, but I am not lonely because he is two floors down and I can hear him laughing so loud it's clear on the 3rd floor at something that just tickled his funny bone!
I don't envy you your life with your love away so often, but I am so happy for you that you can make it work!!
Love and hugs,
Anna Banana

Queenie Jeannie said...

I hear ya sister!! I know exactly how you feel!!!

I haven't been visiting anyone in like a week. Sorry I haven't been around!!

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