Sunday, May 3, 2015

How I lost 4 months of my life

I don't mean literally. I mean my blogging life. I had such good motivation and inspiration. Overnights were done, I had projects in mind, . and bam! It started, life in the most unexpected ways. 
 It began with a co-worker going into labor and me taking over her position while she was on maternity leave. By the time I got home, I was done. I cooked ,did laundry, did the mom thing, played taxi, etc. etc.

   Then guess what decided to make another appearance (4th time in 4 months)? Bronchitis. My doctor was getting a little tired of seeing me for this. Apparently, between October and January,  I don't have time to slow down and take care of myself~snicker~ Also, I am still being seen for my liver function, But I am happy to say the numbers are going down. My liver is repairing itself with some help. 
    My Children, boy where do I start there? Let's just say we have spent more time in the ER, doctors , and specialists then I EVER want to see again. We are still in the works of getting their health on track. K started it and M is finishing it strong. From pneumonia to worrisome health scares the last couple of months has been a hair pulling, disheartening, sometimes anger evoking, high blood pressure causing ride.

     The hustle is slowing down now. We are all finally working to new goals to stay healthy, financially, and sane. I look forward to sharing the journey along the way with a few crafty things thrown in.  I must know, when life throws curve balls your way what seems to fall through the cracks? How do you make time for yourself? And how do you continue to do it all?


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